

What can you do with a minor in 性别与性研究?  以下是我们GSS校友正在做的一些事情:

莎拉·巴科特,13岁 after spending a year traveling the world as a Watson Fellow, 研究酷儿群体, Sarah completed a law degree at Harvard in 2018 and is about to begin clerking for a federal district judge.

Ashley-Barnes-Gilbert '08 earned her PhD in History and Queer Theory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and now teaches in the Women’s and 性别 Studies program at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

泰勒Barnes-Gilbert ’09 earned a law degree from Marquette University and works as a staff attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.

Sharde查普曼 '10 为她赢得了M.Div. at Union Presbyterian Seminary and is now a PhD candidate in Religious Studies at Rice University

艾米丽·克拉克(15岁) 搬到马达巴, 约旦, where she teaches English and creative writing at King’s Academy, 私立寄宿学校, 和教练合资排球, 企业篮球, 和长曲棍球, and serves as the faculty advisor for the Literary Magazine.  Emily writes that “one of the coolest things I get to do is serve as the faculty advisor of the Feminist Club. 这群敬业的, 勇敢的阿拉伯青少年不断地发问, 具有挑战性的, 讨论性别之间的交集, 性, 比赛, 宗教, 难民身份. Last year, we were the host of the only Women’s March in 约旦!与此同时, Emily is working on her Masters in English at the Bread Loaf School of English at Middlebury College.

戴安娜来了08 practices law in Memphis and was recently named the president of the Memphis chapter of the Association of Women Attorneys. 

席亚拉Conway-Hunter 收到她的M.D. from the University of Rochester and is a resident at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

凯尔茜·考克斯,13岁 graduated from Vanderbilt University in May 2015 with a Master of Education in Community Development and Action.   She works in community health, focusing on programs addressing children and teens.

Alex DiLeo ' 16 works for a consulting firm that focuses on non-profit organizations.  In her spare time she volunteers for LGBT and women’s rights organizations.

13岁的伊丽莎白 他在攻读博士学位吗. at Vanderbilt University in Higher Education 政府.

Jasmine Gilstrap, 13岁 在芝加哥教高中数学.

利亚·福特,15岁 worked for Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region (PPGMR) as the Volunteer Coordinator and eventually became the Community Engagement and Advocacy Coordinator. Currently she works as  an Administrative Assistant in 学术事务, where she works closely with the Title IX Coordinator and the Associate Dean of 学术事务 for Diversity & 包容性.  除了, Leah has served on the board of OUTMemphis (2015-2017) and Memphis Roller Derby as a volunteer Director of Education for the Memphis Full Spectrum Doula Collective.

詹姆斯·海耶斯11岁 收到她的M.A. in Education from Christian Brothers University in 2013 and is now pursuing a Doctorate in Education at the University of Memphis.  Her dissertation research engages Black Feminist Theory to think about designing new curricula.  Jamesha is currently the director of the leadership program at Teach for America. 

安娜·雷蒙,11岁 is the Public Programs Manager for the National Woman's Party. 她于2017年6月开始为该组织工作, 并于2017年10月开始担任现职. 安娜有女子文学硕士学位, 性别, 和辛辛那提大学的性研究, 并在动态工作, women-centered and 教育-based nonprofits across the US. 她带来了多年的编程经验, 教育, 和非营利组织的管理,她在NWP的角色, and is honored to be coordinating the collaboration between the NWP and the Women's Vote Centennial Initiative (WVCI) as we work together to celebrate the centennial of the passage of the 19th amendment and explore its relevance to the issues of equal rights today.

杰西卡·洛茨,08届 收到她的M.A. 杜克大学公共政策专业.  She is the Director of Research and Performance Management for Shelby County Schools.

马特·洛维特,06年 在迪肯大学获得哲学博士学位.  He teaches courses at Duquesne and the University of Pittsburgh in 性别 and Sexuality and Feminist Theory. 

Brenna Ragghianti ’05 在伊隆大学获得法律学位, 作为领导力研究员, she helped establish a scholarship for LGBTQ students to attend law school.  She is currently the Assistant Clerk of Superior Court and Judicial Hearing Officer in Greensboro, SC.

Andrea Leigh Tedesco, 15岁 她在波士顿大学获得社会工作硕士学位.  As a graduate student she interned at Fenway Health - a non-profit hospital started in the 1970's as one of the first free HIV testing clinics in the country for gay men - and then the Triangle Program - a partial hospitalization program for anyone over the age of 18 who identifies under the LGBT+/queer umbrella [one of the only in the country].  As a group therapist, she works with LGBT+/queer patients as well as women who are trauma survivors.  Andrea says, “To say that Rhodes helped me get here would be an understatement. My time as a gender studies student helped shape me into the person I am; it helped me clarify my values and better understand how I can apply them in my practice. 我在GSS的基础帮助我不断与客户打交道.”

凯瑟琳·沃特金斯07年 得了M.A. in English literature from the University of Edinburgh and is a teacher at Millington Central High School.  In 2017 she received a National Educator Award from the Millken Family Foundation, 全国有45位教师获此殊荣. 

凯安娜·威廉姆斯,12岁 收到她的M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from North Carolina State University in 2014.  She is currently a psychotherapist in private practice in Garner, NC.  She integrates queer and feminist theories to provide care to a myriad of clients, 尤其是LGBTQ群体.  Keyana说, "My time studying GSS at Rhodes gave me a language and a framework to understand the power of identity, 表示, 和包容. My current career allows me to create safe spaces for clients to know and love themselves without apology or shame."