历史 Courses by Theme

Courses in the Department of 历史 cover a wide range of themes across the
全球.  Here is a list of courses which tend to focus on particular kinds of
主题、主题或领域.  Many courses address more than one theme.


HIST 105: American Conformity
HIST 105: Egypt After the Pharaohs
HIST 105: Terrorism, Torture, and Anti-Colonialism
HIST 105: Terrorism and Torture
HIST 105:两个朝鲜
HIST 212: Medieval Europe
HIST 214:现代欧洲
HIST 215: Enlightenment and Revolution: Europe, 1714-1815
HIST 216: Industrialism, Nationalism, and Imperialism: Europe, 1815-1914
HIST 217: The Age of Extremes: European Culture and Society in the Twentieth Century
HIST 221: Athenian Democracy in Crisis
HIST 225: Modern Britain
HIST 229: Imperial Russia
HIST 232: The United States in the Nineteenth Century
HIST 233: The United States in the Twentieth Century
HIST 255: United States Political 历史, 1896-1960
HIST 256: United States Political 历史, 1960-Present
HIST 262: Contemporary Latin America
HIST 271: Africa Before 1800
HIST 275: The Making of the Modern Middle East
HIST 276: Re-Making of the Modern Middle East
HIST 281: East Asia in the Modern World
HIST 288: Japan since 1800
HIST 305:口述历史
HIST 311: The Rise and Fall of Athens
HIST 312: The Fall of the Roman Republic
HIST 328: Fascist Europe, 1918-1945
HIST 363:美国历史.S.-Latin American Relations
HIST 428: Fascist Europe, 1918-1945
HIST 434: The Early Republic of the United States, 1789-1846
HIST 456: Cold War America


HIST 105: 历史 of the Supreme Court
HIST 205: Civil Rights and Social Change: Race, Law, and Politics in Modern America
HIST 243: The Civil Rights Movement
HIST 342: Slavery in the United States
HIST 345: Civil Rights in Memphis
HIST 351: United States Constitutional 历史 to 1865
HIST 352: United States Constitutional 历史 since 1865
HIST 413: Slavery in the Premodern World
HIST 435: The American Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1846-1877


HIST 105: 历史 of Human Reproduction
HIST 105: Race and Racism
HIST 205: Civil Rights and Social Change: Race, Law, and Politics in Modern America
HIST 209: Natural Disasters
HIST 234: Queer Histories
HIST 243: The Civil Rights Movement
HIST 248: 历史 of Memphis
HIST 342: Slavery in the United States
HIST 447: African American Activism
(UPCOMING) 历史 of Gender and Transgender


HIST 105: Disease and Epidemics
HIST 105: 历史 of Human Reproduction
HIST 105: Rise of Scientific Medicine
HIST 457: The 历史 of HIV/AIDS
(UPCOMING) Disability 历史


HIST 105: Civil War and American Memory
HIST 105: Intro Seminar: World War II in Asia
HIST 105:为什么是希特勒?
HIST 217: The Age of Extremes: European Culture and Society in the Twentieth Century
HIST 231: North America in the Colonial and Revolutionary Eras
HIST 307: Nature and War
HIST 327:战争中的德国
HIST 389: The Vietnam War


HIST 105: 历史 of Human Reproduction
HIST 234: Queer Histories
HIST 413: Slavery in the Premodern World
HIST 457: 历史 of HIV/AIDS
(UPCOMING) 历史 of Gender and Transgender

Race, Ethnicity, and Identity

HIST 105: African-American 历史 and Literature
HIST 105: African-American Intellectual Tradition
HIST 105: Explorations in African-American 历史
HIST 105: 历史 of Immigration in America
HIST 105: Race and Racism
HIST 242: African-American 历史
HIST 243: The Civil Rights Movement
HIST 247: The American South
HIST 248: 历史 of Memphis
HIST 261: Colonial Latin American to this group
HIST 342: Slavery in the United States
HIST 345: Civil Rights in Memphis
HIST 406: Imagining Asia
HIST 447: African American Activism


HIST 105: City, Technology, and Environment
HIST 216: Industrialism, Nationalism, and Imperialism: Europe, 1815-1914
HIST 233: The United States in the Twentieth Century
HIST 248: 历史 of Memphis
HIST 449: Collecting Memphis Histories The Environment, Technology, and Science
HIST 105: City, Technology, and Environment
HIST 207: Global Environmental 历史
HIST 209: Natural Disasters
HIST 307: Nature and War


HIST 214:现代欧洲
HIST 216: Industrialism, Nationalism, and Imperialism: Europe, 1815-1914
HIST 217: The Age of Extremes: European Culture and Society in the Twentieth Century
HIST 247: The American South
HIST 261: Colonial Latin America


HIST 105: Elvis Presley and America
HIST 105: 历史 and Photography
HIST 165: Americans in Paris
HIST 226: Musical Paris, 1870-1914
HIST 314: Medieval Travelers
HIST 406: Imagining Asia

Ancient and Classical 历史

HIST 105: China and the Silk Road
HIST 105: Egypt in the Age of Pharaohs
HIST 211: The Ancient Mediterranean
HIST 221: Athenian Democracy in Crisis
HIST 282: Traditional China
HIST 293: Ancient and Medieval India
HIST 311: The Rise and Fall of Athens
HIST 312: The Fall of the Roman Republic
HIST 313: The Roman Empire and Late Antiquity

Religion, Philosophy, and Ideas

HIST 212: Medieval Europe
HIST 213: Renaissance and Reformation Europe
HIST 277: Modern Islamic Thought
HIST 320: Modern Jewish Thought
HIST 321: 历史 of Existentialism
HIST 364: 历史 of Religion in Latin America
HIST 375: Islamic 历史 and Civilization
HIST 834: 历史 and Religion in Medieval Europe


HIST 105: British Empire Through Film
HIST 105: Mongol World Empire
HIST 216: Industrialism, Nationalism, and Imperialism: Europe, 1815-1914
HIST 224: British Empire and Its Enemies
HIST 229: Imperial Russia
HIST 231: North America in the Colonial and Revolutionary Eras
HIST 261: Colonial Latin America
HIST 288: Japan since 1800
HIST 311: The Rise and Fall of Athens
HIST 385: Nomads of Inner Asia
HIST 395: The Imperial Idea
HIST 475: Colonial Encounters in North Africa


HIST 300: The Historian's Craft: Methods and Approaches in the Study of 历史
HIST 360: Public 历史/Internship
HIST 461:实习
HIST 463: Public 历史 Practicum at the National Civil Rights Museum
HIST 485: Senior Seminar


HIST 165: Britain and the Slave Trade
HIST 830: 战争与社会 in Classical Greece and Rome
HIST 834: 历史 and Religion in Medieval Europe
HIST 844: European Life in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance